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Year 5 Feedback to Mrs Mellor in our JIGSAW lesson...

We had a discussion on the school vision and values and why this was something we feel is important at Newlands.


No Child Left Behind

'This is important as it means it doesn't matter where you come from, you belong at Newlands. For example if you are new, we will quickly help you settle in and make friends.'


'Everyone has the same right to learn and to get a good education. Some need more help than others but that's OK here as we all want everyone to do their best.'


'School helps everyone to have the things they need to be successful. They help with trips if families can't afford it and free school dinners. School makes everyone feel safe and works like a big team.'


'Aspiration is important as it helps you to get a good education so that you can get a good job in the future.'

'Resilience is bouncing back if you can't do something and having another go. Keep trying and use feedback and you will get there!'

'Creativity is about learning to solve problems and to work together  to plan. It's about sharing and trying ideas.'

We survey our Y6 Leavers and this is what they say...

What achievements have you been most proud of during your time at Newlands Primary?

' My SATs results show how well I did during my time.'

Getting Brilliant Blues and Merit Awards for going above and beyond in my learning.'

'Going to PGL and staying away from home for the first time.'

'Scoring goals at playtimes and in PE and improving my writing skills and my reading!'

'Learning to write properly and being tech guru!'


How has our school supported you best in your learning?

'Having cutaway groups/areas which the teachers pay special attention to so that I could have extra help if needed.'

'Being There One On One through ELSA support when I needed It'

'Seeing the boy beyond the autism...'


How has our school supported you to develop as a person?
'They have helped me bring out the better side of me at most times!'

'By teaching us how to be good leaders'

'Talking and explaining when things went wrong.'

'Helping me to learn how to handle my temper.'


What do you think is the biggest strength of our school?

'Curriculum as we learned and did so much!'



'You care.'


How would you rate how you have been taught since you have been here?

100% felt this was excellent (75%) or good (25%)

'I loved Writing because for me its the easiest!'

'My best subject was Computing because I like tech and I've become a Tech Guru!'

'I liked Maths because I learned and used my times tables.'


Who could you go to at Newlands if you didn't feel safe?

'Any adult really but also people like Mrs Cook and Mrs Clarke (Pastoral Team)'

'Teachers and my friends'

'Teachers and adults who work in school help you.'


What advice would you give someone starting Newlands Primary School?

'Don't wish your time at Newlands away! Enjoy every moment!'

'To always try your best and listen in all lessons as the teachers are great'

'Have fun and make friends. Everyone is welcoming and like a big family.'

'Enjoy lunch. The food is good. I recommend the brownies!'

Pupils enjoying the curriculum

What our pupils say
