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An OFSTED GOOD school!

We are delighted to share that the final report from our recent Ofsted Inspection has now been published. The two day inspection was a Section 8 Monitoring Visit of a good school and the HMI agreed that we remain a GOOD school! This is now our third ‘Good’ Ofsted in a row…a hat trick!


The report captures the essence of Newlands and recognises the great work of everyone in ensuring the children have the best education we can offer.


Particular highlights include:

 Pupils feel proud to belong to this school.

 Pupils appreciate the kind, caring nature of staff and their peers.

 The vision of ‘no child left behind’ is at the centre of the school’s highly inclusive work.

 Pupils behave well. They are responsible and considerate of each other.

 Pupils feel safe and happy. They value the support that they receive from adults when they need it.

 Staff teach the school’s chosen phonics programme well.

 Overall, pupils make very good progress with their early reading.

 Teachers provide significantly effective opportunities for pupils to develop their language and mathematical skills.

 Staff teach pupils valuable knowledge, skills and vocabulary in all other subjects.

 The school makes sure that disadvantaged pupils get the right support to achieve well.

 The school identifies the needs of pupils with SEND early and precisely.

 Through the school, pupils develop a camaraderie.

 Pupils feel confident to speak to trusted adults or use the ‘worry boxes’ to raise any concerns they might have.

 Pupils flourish in their various roles and responsibilities.

 The school’s understanding of the community helps pupils be ready for their next stages in development.

 The quality of education continually improves.

 A happy staff team whose members feel supported and proud to work at the school.

 Parents and carers are very positive about the school.


You can read a copy of the full report here:

Newlands Primary Ofsted Report March 2024
