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  • Phased Reopening of the School from June 1st

    Thu 28 May 2020 K Mellor

    We are looking forward to seeing more children head back to school, from key workers and vulnerable children to some of our youngest children in YR and Y1. Thank you for booking spaces for the next 2 weeks.

    In readiness for the phased reopening of the school from 1st June, we have put together some resources and useful information to help the children and families understand what school might be like when they return.

    There is a social story with photos to help and a special guide to the safety measures we have put into place. Thanks to the many parents who sent us questions to help with what you wanted to know - we have included the answers to these in our guide.

    We will contact parents again in 2 weeks time to see if any more YR or Y1 children are ready to return in our next phase of reopening.

    Click on the link below to read more about the return to school...

    What will school be like?

  • Possible Reopening Plans from 1st June

    Thu 21 May 2020 headteacher

    Possible phased wider reopening of school


    I do hope that you are all safe and well. I write to you all now with detailed plans of how we intend to re-open school in a safe and phased way, should the 5 conditions set out by Government be met. At the very centre of my detailed plans is the safety of all our community, children, staff and families. I do know that this has been causing some real anxiety among some parents and carers.


    Despite ongoing reports of political and medical uncertainty around this next step, the school has worked through many different models and we can now outline details for the first stage of reopening should this go ahead.  These plans, in line with the government guidelines, will assist you in deciding if you would like your child to return to school during this term or if you would prefer to continue to keep your child at home doing home learning for the time being.  Remember it is perfectly OK to stay home for now if you prefer.


    I must stress that we are having to continually review and adapt our provision in light of ongoing changes, making the plan set out below subject to change if required.  Our current plan is based on the first two weeks of the school being reopened.  During this time, we will carefully assess all aspects of the provision, adapting as necessary with a relentless focus on safety for our children, parents, staff and wider community.  Parents will be kept informed of any changes that are needed.


    Year R & Year 1 reopening offer only

    Following the government guidance on smaller class sizes, separate classrooms and prioritising critical key worker and vulnerable children for places, then the youngest children first, Year R and Year 1, it is with an extremely heavy heart that I have no option but to delay the start for Year 6.  The entire staff team wants our Year 6 children and parents to know that we are desperately trying to find a way to have you back with us as soon as possible but doing this carefully and safely MUST be our priority. 


    Please be assured that whatever happens within the current situation, the last few weeks for our Year 6 as Newlands Primary children and their transition to secondary school remain high priorities for us.    We will do all we can to offer you the very best that we can and will contact you as soon as anything changes.  In the meantime, please continue being fantastic members of our school community, keeping in touch through Google Classroom and look out for your teachers arranging some Google Meet sessions for you all to catch up face to face with each other and the staff.


    To help keep everyone as safe as possible, the youngest children will need a high level of adult support to adjust to the new way in which school will now need to operate.  The restriction to movement around school, access to equipment, staff, peers and areas of the classroom needs to be carefully considered.  We must do all we can to safeguard our children’s emotional, social and physical development during this unfamiliar period. 


    For these reasons, along with the staffing ratio demands, the initial plan is for the children to access school for a reduced daily timetable.  We will monitor closely how the children settle and transition back into school and into the new routines and would hope to extend the hours in school as the term goes on.  


    Monday 1st June:

    The school will be closed to new children on 1st June 2020 so that staff can receive essential training focusing on the implementation of the risk assessments and procedures put in place. 

    Newlands Crew (Key worker/vulnerable children) may come to school as previously arranged at either 8am for Breakfast Club or 8.45am if not. Spaces must be booked in advance!


    Every day starting from Tuesday 2nd June:

    Year R  9:15am-12:15pm

    (Windermere Avenue Drop off/collection)


    Every day starting from Thursday 4th June:

    Year 1 9:30am-12.30pm

    (Ullswater Road Drop off/collection)


    School will be very different. We have put together a guide to help parents and children to understand the safety measures and organisation of the school upon return and hope that this answers any questions you may have.

    Guide to School & Safety Measures at Newlands


    Parents of children in Year R and Year 1 will be contacted individually about the offer of a place and will be asked to complete a form indicating their plans to return or not in order to help our safe planning.


    We will then contact  parents of children who have booked a place over the course of next week with specific details about Bubble groups, drop off and pick up times and arrangements as to where and when these will take place.


    The Newlands Crew (key worker/vulnerable children) who have been attending school over the past 8 weeks will continue to attend as they have been doing previously. If your child is in this group, you will receive a separate letter of information.


    We thank you again for your continued support, understanding and patience during this time. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact school and ask for advice.


    Take care and stay safe

    Mrs Mellor & the Newlands Team

  • Brief Update

    Mon 11 May 2020

    Following the Prime Minister's announcement last night, we are awaiting further guidance. As schools, we receive exactly the same information as the general public and at this stage we cannot answer any questions that this announcement may have raised. We have been advised to wait to receive more information from the government about what this means for our schools. 


    In the short-term, nothing has changed and we will provide further information in the coming days and weeks once we are able to do so. We will contact all families as soon as we have been advised and can plan accordingly.


    Thank you for your support and stay well.


    Fri 08 May 2020
    Today marks the 75th anniversary of VE day. Find VE day colouring and bunting making resources in our special VE day section on the home learning page. Send us your VE day photos on your year group emails.