Is your child due to start school next September 2024?
Any individual enquiries can be directed to the school office team on: 023 8077 3363 or by email to
You can also view our Year R class pages to get a feel for life in our Reception classes.
When does my child start school?
Please read the information given below which gives details of our admission arrangements for the school as you need to apply through the Local Authority's Admissions process.
Children born between 1 September 2019 - 31 August 2020 start school in September 2024.
Legally, a child must start school no later than the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday (compulsory school age).
For example, if your child reaches compulsory school age on 31 March, they must start full-time education in the summer term that year.
You can apply for a school place in the autumn term after your child turns four. If you do not think your child is ready for school then, they can start part-way through the school year or part time. They must be in full-time education by the time they reach compulsory school age. You will need to apply in the autumn even if you want your child to start later in the school year.
All four year olds can attend a reception class (Year R) in the September of the school year in which they become five.
A child can either go to a primary school (Year R to Year 6) or an infant school (Year R to Year 2). Children placed at an infant school will need to transfer to a junior school for Year 3 or make an in-year transfer to a primary school.
Children born between:
Find out more about how to apply for a school place.
Pre-School Links & Admissions
Please note that Newlands does not have it's own pre-school.
The pre-school onsite is a privately run pre-school and is not part of Newlands Primary. This means that children attending the Sticky Fingers pre-school on site do not get higher priority in accessing placements at Newlands in Year R. All places are allocated according to the SCC Admissions policy.
In Year Admissions
If you are looking to change schools part-way through the academic year, you will need to apply for an in-year transfer.