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Maths resources

Addition and Subtraction


We use the 'Numbersense Maths' strategies to teach Key Stage 1 children to become fluent in solving addition and subtraction facts within ten.  We teach the following strategies and practise them regularly.



We begin teaching times tables in Year 2 with the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.  Children in KS2 can login to Timestables rockstars to practise their tables and develop their speed in recalling their tables facts.

Follow the link below to login:

Instant Recall Facts


We have created a set of key facts for each year group that children need to learn and remember to help with their maths work.  Children should become fluent in recalling these facts by the end of the year.  The facts are mainly based around shape, measure, time, money and fractions.  They go hand in hand with children's number facts in addition, subtraction or times tables.  Click below to read each year group's set of facts.
