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Newlands Curriculum
Article 28 (right to education) Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this.
Article 29 (goals of education) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
Our Curriculum:
At Newlands we aim to provide the children with a curriculum which is broad, well balanced and stimulates the children to learn. In addition to acquiring skills and knowledge we aim to help the children to grow in confidence and maturity so that they can become life long learners who will be successful in the ever changing world. We aim to provide the children with real life and practical experiences, alongside a wide range of visits, visitors and extra-curricular activities.
The planning of the curriculum is based around a systematic programme of "Learning Challenges" to ensure coverage of selected topics by all children who progress through the school. The "Learning Challenges" for both Key Stages makes use of our local environment eg we cover topics such as habitats in our school grounds, Millbrook and Southampton. We also study other localities and cultures so that children gain an understanding of Britain as a diverse society. Our "Learning Challenges" also extend to other countries which enhance the children’s understanding of their global community.
Children will start their Newlands journey in Early years where the curriculum is designed around Learning Challenges that run for a couple of weeks. To find out more about our Early Years Curriculum please click the tab below.
When children leave at the end of Year 6, they will be equipped with positive attitudes; a bank of knowledge and a range of skills that will enable them to become successful in the next phase of their learning journey and beyond.
The National Curriculum comprises of core subjects:
English, Mathematics, Science
And foundation subjects:
History, Geography, Design and Technology, Art and Design, Music, Physical Education (PE) and Computing. We have specialist teachers who ensure our children get the best provision possible in PE & Music skills. We value the role of foreign languages in the curriculum and French is taught throughout KS2 from Year 3 to Year 6. Our RSHE provision has recently been revised and forms a key element of our curriculum. The teaching of Religious Education is statutory in all schools. It is taught following the Hampshire/Southampton Agreed Syllabus. We plan our collective worship in line with DfE guidance: (, our Rights Respecting Schools work and British Values.
Citizenship is integrated into our curriculum to ensure children are prepared for life in modern day Britain. We have a strong focus on multi-cultural themes, global learning, anti-bullying and rights and responsibilities, including democratic voting for roles such as: School Council, Sports Council and House Captains. We also teach Philosophy for Children (P4C).
How to find out more:
To find out more about the curriculum we are following in each year group, click below.
In addition, look on the class pages for our half termly Curriculum Learning Challenge Overviews and our Knowledge Organisers.
If you still have questions about the curriculum being taught, please ask your child's class teacher in the first instance. Our Assistant Headteachers lead the Curriculum implementation across their relevant Key Stages and they regularly support parents through offering workshop sessions and individual meetings should there be further questions about the Curriculum content and how it is taught.
Assessment for learning is at the heart of our practice and this is how we ensure children continue to make the best progress they can in school. Staff work closely with each other and the children to make sure that feedback and marking has an impact on progress and that every small step contributes to a child's learning journey over time.
Please click here for our Assessment policy.