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Year 4



Welcome to Year 4!



Miss Keens (Flamingos) and Mrs Day (Parrots) will keep you up to date with the children's learning on this page of our website.

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Summer 2 - Magical Planet Earth 

We went on a nature walk this afternoon. We were looking for any evidence of living things in our local environment!

We enjoyed making wishes as part of our new writing topic about wishing tales! We put them into our magical wishing well. Fingers crossed they come true!

Year 4 enjoy Global Day

We have been creating questions about our new class text "The girl who lost a leopard" and then hot-seating each other in role to show our understanding!

We have enjoyed refreshing our Geographical knowledge of continents, countries and oceans!

Summer 1 - Invaders & Settlers Part 2

We enjoyed our visit to IntoUniversity. We learnt about different careers and got to try out Civil Engineering, Foley Artistry and being a Museum Curator!

In Science we created our own digestive systems!

We have been looking at different animals and their teeth in Science!

As part of our Science topic about understanding teeth, we have set up an experiment seeing how different liquids affect our tooth enamel! We added different liquids to jars and added an egg (which acts as our tooth enamel) and we will observe daily what is happening to our "teeth"!

We have been enjoying our new Maths topic of Decimals! We have been exploring and counting in tenths!

We have enjoyed getting into role as King Alfred "The Great" and King Ethelred "The Unready" understanding their decisions around Danegeld and how to deal with the invading and terrifying Vikings!

We have enjoyed our Maths learning on Position and Direction. We have been learning about co-ordinates and translating shapes on a grid.

Year 4 enjoyed a visit from The Welsh National Opera. They performed part of the opera Carmen and we even had a go at singing some parts as well!

Spring 2 - Invaders & Settlers   Part 1 

We have applied our new Science learning about electricity and circuits to our D.T this week! We have been planning and making our own torches! We used a simple circuit and had to include a switch to turn the torch on and off!

We enjoyed a visit from Southampton City Mission to learn about the Easter Story from a Christian perspective and about Paschal candles!

We have loved learning all about the Anglo-Saxons this half-term! We got to learn about Sutton Hoo and the artefacts that were found there and we also got to investigate artefacts and make our own conclusions about who they might have belonged to!

We have enjoyed learning about Electricity in Science! We have been learning about how to make and draw a simple circuit and even had a go at making a switch to turn our bulb on and off!

We enjoyed our Whoosh in Reading today! We acted out what was happening as we read our class text Beowulf!

We have been busy learning the myth Beowulf off by heart with our Talk For Writing Actions!

Flamingos loved their trip to The Sustainability Centre in the Meon Valley today! They got to learn all about Anglo-Saxon life, got to hold real artefacts, wove willow fences and even looked at classifying Saxon pottery! We learnt so much!!!

Spring 1 - Ice Palace 

During our PSHE Jigsaw lessons, we had to work in groups to create the funniest potato person. We had to give our potato person a name and give them a personality. It was a real test of team-work and communication!

Year 4 loved sharing their Quest Tales with Year 3! We asked Year 3 to decide whether we had been successful and met our success criteria!

Year 4 had a visit from Kate (an artist from Southampton City Art Gallery!). We got to look at a painting from the gallery and then had a go at relief printing using three colours!

Year 4 had to go on a quest this morning! Someone had stolen Flavia and Poncho and we had to get them back! We crossed rivers and had to find a path through a volcano to find out the padlock combination to free them. You'll be relieved to know we succeeded and the birds are safely back in the classroom. But, look out for someone named Starjik!

We have really enjoyed immersing ourselves in Poetry since being back! We have been looking at different poems and have even been learning to perform 'Frost' by Valerie Bloom off by heart!

We enjoyed getting hands on with our new topic in Science today! We are learning about States of Matter and had to classify different materials into either a solid, a liquid or a gas!

Hook morning- We had a strange sighting outside Year 4 today! There were some icy footprints and a book lent on the classroom doors saying "Read me!"

RBD Launch- We enjoyed meeting an audiologist from the local hospital who taught us more about how our ears work

Autumn 2 - Tomb Raiders 

We have been busy making pop-up books in D.T this half-term. We have based them on our Egyptian Portal Tales and have been looking at different mechanisms to include!

We LOVED dressing up for our Ancient Egyptian Dress up day! We all looked amazing in our outfits and enjoyed showing them off around school!

We have been experimenting with changing pitch and volume in Science based on our topic of Sound!

We enjoyed showing off what we have learnt with Showcase Music this term! We got to play infront of family and friends and were REALLY impressive!

We have loved our new Computing project this half-term! We have been learning how to record audio on the computers and how to edit it. We will be creating our own podcasts by the end of the year!

We have loved investigating Sound through our Science topic this half-term. We have had Mrs Weaver from our RBD Owls Team come and teach us about the different parts of the ear and how they react to sound! We have also investigated vibrations through using different objects!

We had Andy from Southampton Sea City Museum in to teach us more about The Ancient Egyptians. We found out SO many facts, got to play some games and some of us even got to dress up! We even learnt how to mummify fruit!

We have been busy learning our T4W Text - The Door! It is a portal tale all about a boy called Marty going back in time to Ancient Egypt!

Year 4 loved putting their rounding knowledge to the test with a problem solving lesson!

Year 4 have had lots of strange things happening this week! First, we recieved a mysterious package from someone called Howard Carter. Then, Miss Legg's office transformed! Unfortunately, all of the photos strangely vanished afterwards! How bizarre!

Autumn 1 - Charlotte's Web 

Year 4 loved dressing up as characters from Charlotte's Web and saving Wilbur's life in a court case

Flamingos loved their visit to Minstead Study Centre! We got to go mini-beast hunting, pond dipping and looked for evidence of any wild animals. We even found Flavia the flamingo!

A miraculous spider web appeared outside Year 4 today! The children were very excited and thought it might have something to do with their class text!

We have LOVED starting our class text - Charlotte's Web. We have enjoyed getting into role as Wilbur!

We have enjoyed learning about faith in R.E and testing our faith in each other with trust falls!
