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Year 4



Welcome to Year 4!



Miss Keens (Flamingos) and Mrs Day (Parrots) will keep you up to date with the children's learning on this page of our website.

Please click on the stars below to find out more.

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Spring 1 2025- Ice Palace 

Year 4 had to go on a quest to save our class animals! We had to cross a raging river, find a safe path through a volcano field and find a magical tool to help us save our animals!

Autumn 2 2024 - Tomb Raiders!

We have loved making our own pop-up books in D.T this half-term!

We walked as Ancient Egyptians for the day! We looked AMAZING in our outfits!!!!

We loved getting to perform to our parents and adults! We got to show off our learning from Showcase Music and performed different songs on our instruments!

We have been busy investigating Sound in Science! We have been looking at how sound travels through different mediums and how it travels over distances!

We enjoyed a workshop with Mrs Weaver from Owls (The Resource Base for the Deaf). She talked to us about the parts of the ear and how we are able to hear sound! We learnt lots of new vocabulary and even some fun facts about the bones in our ear!

We enjoyed a visit from Andy who works at SeaCity Museum in Southampton! He came in to talk to us about all things Ancient Egypt. He told us stories, some interesting facts and showed us some artefacts! He even demonstrated the process of mummification by mummifying an orange!

Year 4 have had some strange encounters this week! First a mysterious box with a message from Howard Carter and then today when they went exploring they found an Ancient Egyptian burial chamber!

Autumn 1 2024 - Charlotte's Web 

We enjoyed our "Puppet Parade". We showed off our D.T hand puppets and paraded around Key Stage Two showing off our hard work!

Our amazing hand puppets we created in D.T inspired by Charlotte's Web!

Our Autumn 1 Homework

Dress up day in court

We had a go at becoming Templeton and having to search for a word to go on Charlotte's Web! The children had to look at scraps of newspaper and find some convincing words to help save Wilbur's life!

After some strange sightings of webs and words this week, we created news reports live from Mr Zuckerman's farm to explain what had happened!

Still image for this video

Year 4 found a web...

We loved taking part in a Maths problem solving activity this week! The children all showed off their creative thinking and their resilience by not giving up!

We have been busy during our "belonging week" setting our new classroom expectations and getting to know our new teams! The children all made their own flamingo or parrot to add to our class charters!

Look what Year 4 did last year! 
