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PE and Sport at Newlands

PE at Newlands Primary School  

Summer 2: PE Days:

Yr R - Tuesday

Yr 1 - Monday and Friday

Yr 2 - Monday and Thursday

Yr 3 - Monday and Wednesday 

Yr 4 - Tuesday and Flamingos (Wednesday)/ Parrots (Friday)

Yr 5 - Friday and Zebras (Monday)/ Giraffes (Thursday)

Yr 6 - Tuesday and Thursday



black/navy shorts, tracksuit trousers or leggings

White polo/T-shirt

Trainers or Plimsolls

COLD WEATHER: woolly hat and gloves, water proof coat

WARM WEATEHR: Sunglasses, hat


At Newlands Primary School the intent of PE is to provide all pupils a high quality Physical Education curriculum so that they develop a love of being active, being healthy and exploring their physical and mental wellbeing in a supportive environment. We deliver a wide variety of sports and physical skills that endeavor to promote life-long fitness and life choices. PE challenges encourage self-esteem through the development of physical confidence and problem solving. Children participate in competitive sport and through this we teach children how to cooperate and collaborate effectively as part of a team and compete appropriately against others, adhering to the principles of fairness, sportsmanship and respect, values we hope to embed for future life.




Each child receives 2 lessons of PE a week with a Qualified PE teacher or specialist coaches. The curriculum has been developed to cover a wide variety of activities and skills; Invasion games, striking and fielding, net and wall games, athletics, dance, gymnastics, Outdoor pursuits and for KS2 Swimming. Children also have the chance to be active in a wide range of extra-curricular clubs.


Our long term PE curriculum overview sets out the PE Units/Activities which are to be taught each half term throughout the year and ensures that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.  

Throughout the school, we have adapted and implemented a Scheme of Learning from Real PE for Gymnastics and Dance to ensure planning, content and delivery is age appropriate. This scheme ensures lessons, year on year, are progressive and accessible for all children.


Children in KS1, KS2 and SEND children also have opportunities to participate in local Inter School sports competitions and festivals with the ‘School Games Organisers’.

As a school, we offer a Residential OAA experience for all children in year 6 at a nearby PGL site to develop pupils social and emotional learning as well inspire them to reach for higher targets and be resilient when confronting different challenges.


We have an annual inclusive House Sports Day, with the emphasis on participation and achievement for all; the pupils are separated into mixed groups from Yr R to Yr 6. This allows siblings to compete together and older children are encouraged to be role models and leaders within their groups.


All children participate in whole school weekly sessions of “The golden Mile “, to promote health, fitness, mental wellbeing and personal challenge. Certificates are awarded when pupils achieve certain milestones.


We teach in a way that all children:

  • have fun and experience success in sport
  • can participate at their own level of development
  • build and secure a range of skills
  • develop good sporting attitudes
  • experience positive competition
  • learn in a safe environment




Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • develop their fundamental movement skills
  • improve their agility, balance and coordination
  • lead and join in PE games with confidence, developing their speaking and listening skills
  • learn useful PE vocabulary and knowledge to help them at KS3 and beyond
  • enjoy fitness and understand the importance of good diet and exercise




At Newlands Primary School, we ensure that our PE curriculum is inclusive and progressive and allows all children the opportunity to acquire and develop fundamental knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques and apply these to a wide variety of different sports and activities. PE lessons are fun, enjoyable and challenging and all children can achieve, to the best of their ability, in a supportive, safe and stimulating environment. 


Our pupils are physically active, and this has a positive impact on their learning in the classroom. Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and understand the importance of regular exercise and activity for their physical and mental wellbeing. We aspire for all children to enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and physical activity, which hopefully becomes part of their future life outside of Primary School. Children have opportunities to participate in sport after school can also represent the school at sporting events. In PE, we also measure impact by:

  • Regular learning walks
  • PE Premium spend analysis
  • Analysis of participation at after school clubs and inter competitions
  • Assessment data
  • Photo and video analysis of children’s practical work




real legacy allows us to bring the school, home and the community together to enable cultural change. Our journey commenced with real gym and real PE teacher training to support our PE provision to develop the whole child and will extend across the school to include supporting families and the wider school community. 


The school will be supported with teacher training, school-based support, fun real play activities for families, enrichment and competitive opportunities and supporting resources from Create Development all through a holistic approach to develop children's physical, personal, social and emotional skills.


Not only are we on a mission to get our children more active by developing the fundamental physical skills that are so often overlooked, our PE lessons are centred around the child to enable them to be successful in the classroom and in later life.


We look forward to keeping you up to date with our journey to create a new ambition for EVERY child. 

At Newlands Primary School we strive to offer an enriching sporting experience through our Physical Education (PE) curriculum and extensive After School Provision.

"the physical education leader ensures that additional sports funding is used very effectively. specialist training for teachers has widened the range of sports and links with expressive arts, such as dance, dram and music available for the pupils. This has improved teaching and pupils' skills and fitness and brought a three-fold increase in the number of pupils attending sports clubs and more success in competitions"




We have been awarded the Sainsbsurys GOLD School Games Award for the FOURTH Year

Pupils are given opportunities to learn fundamental movement skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage, this is then continued in Lower Key stage 1. As pupils move through KS1 opportunities are provided to develop and apply skills during modified games.


During KS2, pupils will begin to perfect more complex movements and skills. Opportunities to apply these during game situations and performance related tasks will support the pupils learning and help them to develop the skills required to live a healthy active lifestyle.


Pupils will experience various activities and sports whilst at Newlands;

Yr R: Fundamental skills, agility, balance, coordination, balls skills, throwing, rolling and catching

Yr 1: Fundamental skills, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, balls skills, throwing, rolling and catching

Yr 2: Fundamental skills, Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, balls skills, throwing, rolling and catching

Yr 3: Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Basketball, Rounders, Hockey and OAA

Yr 4: Dance, Gymnastics, Athletics, Hockey, Badminton, OAA, Kwik Cricket, Tennis, and Tag Rugby

Yr 5: Swimming, Dance, Athletics, Tag Rugby, Kwik Cricket, Tennis, Badminton and OAA

Yr 6: Sports education, Athletics, Team Skills, Rounders, Tennis and Leadership opportunities


The After School Provision offers a range of sporting activities ranging from fun coaching sessions and skills based clubs to intra and inter competition and performance events.

Please Click on the link below to view our After School Club Programme:

