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School Council

News from YOUR School Council!

Are you worried about the air you breathe in?

Well... School Council is too!


We are working with children from other groups across the school to work out what we can do to improve the quality of air, in and around Newlands Primary School!

Assembly with Dr Alan Whitehead MP

Dr Alan Whitehead visits Newlands!


Alan heard all about the fantastic workings of Newlands School Council, so he came along to celebrate the *new* team of children who were elected!


Alan was welcomed into school and visited all year groups! He presented certificates to the winning candidates. 

Newlands School Council is now famous!!!


Children were in the paper to raise awareness (and hopefully, funds!) for the great playground project!


Children across the school feel that they would like some more educational markings on the playground. This would enable them to learn outside and continue their learning independently outside of the classroom.

*NEW!* playground equipment - thanks to funds raised by the Easter Fair.

Better Play Times FOR SURE!

School council election

Our School Council is proud to announce that it has achieved its goals for the year and bought new resources to further improve lunchtimes. The quad now has a quiet area for KS2 children to come and play quiet games with friends or just to sit and chat. KS1 have lots of new resources to play with too.

School council's visit to meet the Mayor

Our school council is made up of an elected member from each class in the school. We have a Chair and Vice Chair who lead and support our work. Miss Hall is our link teacher. Our job is to improve the school for the children!

School Council
