Computing at Newlands Primary School
Preparing our pupils for the digital world; unlocking the potential At Newlands Primary School, we want children to be confident and safe in their use of computers and other technological devices. They will develop research skills that enable children to assimilate information critically and effectively. They will learn to use technology to present and share their ideas creatively and with awareness of purpose and audience.
Our children will develop a growing understanding of how the Internet and computer systems work. This should include understanding of the range of devices that we depend upon, which are programmed in order to function.
The children will have regular and frequent opportunities to analyse, edit, write, and evaluate algorithms. In Key Stage 1, they will program Beebots and use the program Scratch Jr. In Key Stage 2 they will use Scratch 3, Probots and Crumbles. All of these utilise simple block type programming which is designed to be accessible and yet still have the ability to challenge all pupils as they develop their computational skills.
At Newlands we believe that children work best when they are appropriately challenged and have opportunities to develop their own ideas and innovations. Computing should be fun and challenges should where possible be linked to the children’s interests and other learning. At Newlands the curriculum develops a progression of basic computational skills that will be acquired by all children.
The children will learn that they need to be act responsibly when using computers. They should have the knowledge to stay safe online; to keep their personal information secure, to be confident seeking help if there are things that concern or upset them and they should learn to be responsible and respectful online citizens.