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Anti-bullying Week

Anti-bullying week will be taking place across the school from 17th to 21st November.  The theme for this year is ‘Let’s stop bullying for all’.  We are inviting parents to a special event on:

 Friday 21st November at 2.30pm

Children will be taking part in a range of exciting activities across the week and will be looking forward to showing off their work and telling us all about the ways in which we challenge bullying behaviour at our school.

What can parents/carers do should they feel worried about bullying at school?

In the first instance please always talk to the child’s teacher.  They will be able to discuss worries with parents and find out more about the situation.  If parents still feel worried then they can arrange a meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team via the school office.

At Newlands we do not tolerate bullying and do all we can to prevent it.  Our Anti-Bullying week activities will make this clear to our children and help them understand what they can do to help stop bullying for all. 

During Anti-bullying week there will be an opportunity for children to buy a ‘Beat Bullying Band’ for a small donation to wear at school and show their support for stopping bullying for all children. 


