Over the past few months, following a discussion with Southampton City Council about further cementing our relationship with some of the schools in the Redbridge and Lordshill Primary Federation, we have investigated different ways to plan for the long-term futures of our schools and we have decided to consult with our school communities on forming a Cooperative Trust together.
As a Trust, our aims would be to:
● Provide the best possible education for the communities we serve, in turn create a learning setting that is focused on giving pupils an outstanding educational environment and promoting positive outcomes for all.
● Work together to share ideas, enhance leadership expertise, promote best practice, offer cross-school curricular and sporting opportunities, whilst allowing each school to maintain what makes it special.
Being a Cooperative Trust school would mean that we would continue to work very closely with colleagues at the Local Authority (Southampton City Council), but for our children and staff, there would be no difference on a day to day basis. Our governing body would continue to provide strategy and direction to our school, the Headteachers and Chairs of Governors would come together as a Board of Trustees and we would also form a Trust Forum that would consist of representatives from our learners, parents, staff, partners and other stakeholders that would reflect issues and opportunities across our communities.
The Cooperative Trust would be a not for profit charitable organisation. We would adopt and support the values and principles of the Cooperative movement in our work: all Cooperatives are based on the values of self-help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Cooperative members also believe in honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
This notice marks the beginning of our period of consultation, which runs for four weeks from Thursday 5th January. We are also consulting with learners at our school; teachers and support staff; teacher associations and trade unions representing school staff; local schools which might be affected by or interested in the proposals; our Local Authority; Southampton City Council as well as local MPs and elected local councillors.
Further details can be found in the three links below, which consist of a letter to parents, staff and other stakeholders of our school, a summary of the consultation and a set of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about cooperative trust schools. In the summary of the consultation is a link to a Google form which you can complete to respond to the consultation, and an invitation to a Zoom virtual meeting for parents, which will take place on Tuesday, 10th January at 2.00pm.
We have added all of the documents, referred to above, to our website (click here) and have also emailed information to all parents.
The full consultation link is here: BRIDGE EDUCATION TRUST (Southampton)