Exciting times lay ahead for us at Newlands as the long anticipated building project for the Resource Base for Deaf Children finally got started! The building works will involve an extension to our Key Stage 2 wing of the school.
During the half term break, the builders moved onto site and set up an enormous building site compound. The site is fenced off to keep us all safe whilst the building works take place between now and December.
The main access/exit for parents to pick up children from classes in YR/1/2/and 3 will be via the Key Stage 1 gates and pathways. Please be aware that there is likely to be more people traffic than usual on the paths around Key Stage 1 and the Quiet area. To help us out, please be patient and try to send only one parent onto site to pick up children.
Pathway closed!
There is no through access on the external pathway around the Key Stage 2 part of the building and no woodchip path to the playground. Year 4 and 5 classrooms and the temporary RBD (Owls Base) can still be accessed by the Key Stage 2 gate but you cannot follow the pathway around the school as it is blocked off!
Year 6 will be using the external door by the minibus parking area to get out to the Key Stage 2 gate.
We will regularly review the arrangements during the build project and update you with any changes etc.
In the meantime, please be patient at pick up times and respectful to staff who will signpost the way!