7th January 2019
Dear Parents and Carers
I am writing to update you on a desperately sad incident for our school family.
Over the Christmas holiday, we learned that Lilian-May Mayhew, one of our former pupils, unexpectedly died at home on 23rd December. I wanted to share this tragic news with you as many will know Lili or her family, and this will of course be a sad time for us all.
I am sure you will wish to join me and my staff in offering our sincere condolences and sympathy to Lili’s family. As a school, we have been in contact with them to offer our support, and we are liaising with all the appropriate external agencies to ensure that they are cared for during this extremely difficult time.
Staff have today spoken with children about Lili’s death. Specially trained staff are on hand to support the children and will continue to be available in the coming weeks.
I think it is very important that we all take the time to talk with and reassure children about what has happened if you feel they have been affected by the event. Children respond in different ways to difficult situations. You may see a range of responses in your child or seemingly no response at all, any of which is normal. If you have ongoing concerns about how your child is coping please speak to school staff.
From Tuesday 8th - Friday 11th January, there will be a Book of Condolence in the school office for anyone to write their messages of condolence to the family. Please feel free to drop in and do this. We will also give staff and any children who knew Lili the opportunity to do this as well.
It goes without saying that this is a desperately sad and challenging time for all of us. I would like to thank you for your ongoing support.
Yours sincerely
Karen Mellor