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Global Ambassador's Newsletter March 2024


March 2024

At Newlands, we have 9 Global Ambassadors – one for each class in Key Stage 2 and one to represent the classes in Key Stage One. We have decided that we would like to create a newsletter to share with you some of the initiatives we have been working on this year.


Newlands Primary School has been a School of Sanctuary since 2018 and we have recently renewed our accreditation. This means that we are a school that welcomes and includes everyone. Sanctuary means safety and this means that we are school that offers safety to everyone in our community. This could be people who have troubles at home, whose lives were in danger in their own country or who are just looking for a place of safety.


What does a Global Ambassador do?

We promote Global Citizenship. We know that what happens in the world has an impact on us, but also, that what we do in Newlands has an impact on the rest of the world. We meet with the Global Citizenship Leader (Mrs Jones) every half term and decide what we would like to focus on. We also take part in a whole school assembly every term.


Key Definitions

Migrant: A person who has moved to live in another country

Refugee: A person who has had to leave their country of nationality for fear of being persecuted because of their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular group or political opinion.

Asylum Seeker: A person who has asked the Government for refugee status but is waiting to hear the outcome of their application.

Internally Displaced: A person who had to leave their home because it is not safe, however, they are still within their original country.


Charities that we work with:

The Hope School, Jordan – they work with refugees, mainly from Syria, providing education to children.

SWVG (Southampton and Winchester Visitor’s Group) – they support refugees and asylum seekers living in Southampton. We have had workshops with volunteers from this group and visits from people of lived experience of being a refugee – having to leave their homes because their lives were at risk.


Key Date:       Monday 17th June 2024 – Global Day
