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More Goodbyes

This afternoon, the school met together again to say goodbye.

This time it was staff leaving - for a variety of reasons.

Mrs Mackay is starting her maternity leave, we look forward to hearing about the baby in the Autumn term.

Mrs Ruston, Miss Blaikie, Mrs Buttler and Miss Padfield are all leavingto continue their careers elsewhere.

Mr Mather is returning to college to train as a teacher.

Mrs Broderick and Mrs Routhorn are retiring after long and productive careers. Mrs Broderick will still be working in school for special projects however.

Also, we were able to celebrate Mrs Weeks who is about to get married and Miss Oh and Miss Chestnutt who have completed successful years at Newlands and have completed their NQT year.


There were also celebrations for the Housepoint trophy which this year was won by Virtus (green) with a total of 13218 housepoint over the year.

A large number of children received badges and certificates for 100% attendance over the year.
