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Safeguarding Update

Dear Parents/Carers

I am writing to inform you that there was an incident within the community this morning which took place just outside of the Windermere Avenue gates after the start of the school day. The incident was unrelated to our school and the police attended to deal with the disturbance.

As a precaution we made the decision to carry out an external lockdown of the school, which involves locking all gates and doors. Staff were stationed at the inside of the gates and close liaison took place with the police.

At the time of this happening all of the children who were in school were safe and going about their daily assemblies and learning tasks as usual. As an additional precaution, we delayed the departure of the Year R trip, keeping the children in their classrooms until we were certain that the bus could enter the school site and leave safely.

After the police confirmed the incident had been dealt with by them, we began the process of communicating the end of the lock down to staff in school and then advising parents of the lock down via our text messaging service, and then our school app and Facebook page.

Sadly we cannot control events which happen within the community, nor how this is communicated via the general public or in the press. However we can actively put our children’s safety first and then do our best to be efficient in our communication of any unforeseen events with all the relevant parties. If, for any reason, you did not receive the text message, please contact the school office to check we have the correct contact number for you.

Safeguarding and protection of our children’s well-being is paramount in our school. Please be assured that if your child was in school with us today, they were safe, happy and going about their everyday school business as usual, unaware of the incident on Windermere Avenue.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my staff for their swift and decisive action to ensure that safety comes first.

Thank you for your continued support.


Mrs Mellor (Headteacher)
