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Tours for New YR Prospective Parents (children starting school in Sept 2022)

Short tours for prospective YR parents for 2022 

We have now set two dates where we will be able to offer short tours of our school and Early Years classes for parents who are thinking about choosing Newlands Primary for their child's school place in YR (September 2022).


Dates for visits are:

Wednesday 3rd November

Wednesday 17th November


15 minute appointments will be offered between 9.30 and 11am with parents in a maximum of two families at a time (wearing face coverings). 


Visits MUST be booked in advance by phoning the school office 023 8077 3363 or by emailing


Please arrive promptly at your alloted time and sign in at the main office. You will need to wear a face covering for this visit.

A member of the EYFS team will meet you and take you on the external route to EYFS and into the garden area to view the classrooms/outdoor area in action and look into door ways to the classes to find out a snap shot of life in YR.

(Sadly you will not be able to come into the rest of the building due to ongoing COVID safety measures) but you will get to see the building and grounds.


The visit will give you a flavour of the school. Alongside this, we have a virtual tour on the website too -


We look forward to welcoming you to our school.
