Dear Parents and Carers
I am writing to inform you that in light of an evolving situation regarding scientific and union advice, unknown staffing levels and LA guidance, we have made the difficult decision to implement the following changes to our start of term. I realise that this is extremely short notice and may cause inconvenience for some of you. For this I am truly sorry but I hope you can understand the difficulties we are facing.
Newlands Primary will be CLOSED to ALL pupils on Monday 4th January. This is so we can carry out the relevant safety training, respond to unforeseen staff changes or absences as well as plan and prepare blended learning across all classes. This will be in place of the INSET planned for Friday 12th February which will now be a normal school day.
We will then open only to vulnerable children and those with parents who are Critical Workers on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th January.
Parents/Carers whose children are considered vulnerable will be contacted by phone tomorrow.
Parents who are Critical Workers can email info@newlandsprimary.co.uk to request a place, stating your critical worker status and we will get back to you as soon as we can tomorrow with further information and timings for these days.
All children not in school will be expected to carry out learning via the school website Home Learning section which will start on Tuesday 5th Jan. It is vital that we all commit to safeguarding our children’s learning as much as possible. Further guidance on expectations around remote learning will be provided tomorrow.
Once again, I apologise for challenges this may present and I thank you in advance for your understanding.
Finally, I would like to share my sincere gratitude for your ongoing support and understanding throughout this lengthy and unpredictable period of disruption and uncertainty. As always, please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further help. We will contact you all again as soon as we have a clearer picture on wider school opening later in the week. Many thanks and please take care
Karen Mellor - Headteacher